An unstructured life makes me crazy
Life has been very uneventful of late. My days are a mix of TV watching, errand running and Nintendo DS playing...oh and job applying. I'm finding umemployment and no longer being a student tedious and annoying. I'm the type of person who needs to have a purpose when I get up in the morning, a task or something. And I'm so used to pushing myself everyday that I don't think I'm very good at this relaxing thing.
Christmas and New Years on the West Coast was particularily awesome. I managed to get into Van-city for a few days and saw some lovely people. I also managed to make it to the restaurants that make me most nostilgic about Vancouver (namely Sunshine Diner, Benny's and The Naam).
The Island was gorgeous and very relaxing. I managed to finish a few books (including House of Leaves which scared the hell out of me...I really wish I had realized it was a horror novel a little sooner) and ate way too much yummy food. It was pretty fantastic. And it was great to be home. When you 0nly go home once a year you have to really make it count.
Christmas and New Years on the West Coast was particularily awesome. I managed to get into Van-city for a few days and saw some lovely people. I also managed to make it to the restaurants that make me most nostilgic about Vancouver (namely Sunshine Diner, Benny's and The Naam).
The Island was gorgeous and very relaxing. I managed to finish a few books (including House of Leaves which scared the hell out of me...I really wish I had realized it was a horror novel a little sooner) and ate way too much yummy food. It was pretty fantastic. And it was great to be home. When you 0nly go home once a year you have to really make it count.
Since returning to chilly Edmonton I've moved and settled into a new place. I've been catching up with people, seeing movies, eating out and celebrating birthdays. It's been fun, but I'm ready for a little bit more structure. It'd be great if someone would hire me already.
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