Geek Love
Okay, I understand that I'm a little late on the Freaks and Geeks love. Having never watched it when it was on (a whole 6-7 years ago...anyone else feeling a little old here), I was recently lent the entire series on DVD. And man it's love. I'm not going to turn this post into a lament on how awesome TV shows never get the love from viewers they deserve, cause it's been done. And I really can't complain, because I was one of the people who didn't watch it, leading to it being cancelled.
No all I really want to say is I've kind of fallen for one of the characters. And it's totally not the one I thought it would be. I mean the Freaks were pretty cool, most notably Ken, I know I'm a total sucker for the dry sarcasm...but he's not the one who captured my heart.
No it was one of the geeks. Pretty much the geekiest of the geeks. Bill. Oh Bill. He made me laugh more than any other character and he made me cry, which no other character did. And that includes poor little Neal riding around in the dark on his bike trying to find his fathers "love nest".
I mean how cute is he? With those big glasses? Sigh. I'm all a twitter just thinking about him.
Labels: TV
What should I find today at the public library but the complete series of Freaks and Geeks on DVD? So I'll watch it and get back to you.