I had a great time in Edmonton. Many little mini adventures, including putting Malibu in my slurpee at the 7 eleven, experience the infamous Black Dog, randomly running into people, getting a job for September, rediscovering my love of smoked Gouda and cooking, people watching all the weird people in my new neighborhood and breaking into apartments.
All in all a successful vacation.
The best part was seeing all my friends back home and getting a chance to catch up with Amy my former and future roomie, and all her adventures in Russia and PEI.
It was great to see you again! I'm looking forward to reading all your updates with your new job while I'm overseas.
-- McQueen
Yeah! breaking into apartments is awesome.
And I'm glad the chien noir treated you well. It must like you. Who is the Amy character? she sounds hot.
Oh, and pardon me as I scream:
LONDON 2012!!!!!!!!!!
-- McQueen
Harry, Amy is the hottest chick I know.
I have been trying to make the Black Dog sell slurpees for years now. Oh well,
A man can dream, A man can dream...
-Galen Winter Elliott Pendleton
Although that dude has one too many names, I'll let it slide because they are all so rad.