Give me your sexy look!
So useful, so funny, it's the Pre-date Confidence Builder! Don't we all need a little encouragement before a big date, and sometimes your friends/roomies aren't around to tell you if your hair is okay or not. So the internet has found away to fill that need. How exciting!
In other news, the glory that is reading week has arrived in full force! I'm very excited about this. I've really needed the break. So far I've eaten out for dinner a lot, seen a movie or two, and went to Yoga. Today there is shopping and a movie night. Tomorrow lazing in front of the TV watching the Olympics and another dinner out. Then I need to go back to work.
There's also a whole bunch of other crap I have to get done this week, but I really doubt it'll happen. I'm finding it hard to become motivated to do everything I need to do, when there is so much more that I want to do.
Interesting, no?