My dreams are filled with books and knitting needles
Anyway, here's a hat I knit. The yarn was bought on a whim, and the hat made out of necessity, since I lost the one I made last year. I still have a lot of the yarn left and I just loved the subtlety of the colours. My winter coat is big, long and pink and as such, I feel all of my accessories should tone it down as much as possible.
As for the reading, I thank all who gave me suggestions of books to read. All are now on hold at the library. I've been reading like crazy for the last few weeks, and the giant pile of books by my bed has lessoned some what. Of course I have the bad habit of bringing two books home for every book I return. But whatever.
Anyway I've decided to make this blog entry an interactive experience. I would love if both my readers would do me a favour. What is your favourite three books of the moment? I would say favourites of all time, but I know how often my tastes change, and I am often paralyzed by indecision when asked to name my favourite anything.
But if I can do this, I think y'all can too.
So mine are (these are just off the top of my head, and I guarantee, I'll want to change them as soon as I press the publish button, but c'est la vie):
1) Unless by Carol Shields
2) Enchantment by Orson Scott Card
3) Persuasion by Jane Austin.
Okay, your turn.