Let it Snow!
I miss the snow.
It’s weird. Come February in Edmonton I’m cursing the white stuff, and the wet feet resulting from walking in it. But right now, at this time of year I’m wishing it would come. I love how it makes the world look white and clean. It covers over all the brown grass and dirt. The world looks new. That first step outside and that first breath of the cold air is so refreshing and clear. I always feel like I’m the only person alive after a snow fall, which I guess would depress some people, but it invigorates me. I guess I’m a bit of a loner that way.
I love to have a fire going, a hot cup of tea and a new knitting project going with the snow falling down outside. There’s something so relaxing about it. So natural. I think it might be one of my favourite things in the world (after bubble baths of course).
Not to mention I love Christmas. It is my favourite holiday by leaps and bounds. Not even because of the getting presents factor either. I love giving them too. And I love the decorations and the music and I even like church. It’s one of the only time of the year where I not only go to church but thoroughly enjoy it. Especially the music. But being an Alberta girl I link Christmas with snow. And lots of it. By this time of year in Edmonton I would have a majority of my gifts bought, and several hours of Christmas music downloaded to torture roommates with. But this year. Blah. It still feels like fall to me. No snow means no winter. No “real” Christmas. No staying in and making oodles of Christmas cookies while the big snowflakes float down outside the window. And yes I do understand it’s possible to do all these things without the snow. And I assure you I will be doing all these things without the snow. And come February I’ll be complaining about the rain instead of the snow…but I still miss it and it’s atmosphere and all the memories I have linked to snow and ice.